Mujer ejecutivos de la biotecnología han sido protagonistas de muchos de los eventos más importantes en la industria de este año - Takeda Pharmaceutical compra de Nycomed, la fusión de Alkermes ($ ALKS) y Tecnologías de Elan de drogas y la venta de Plexxikon a Daiichi Sankyo. ¿Debería sorprendernos? No, las mujeres en esta industria desafiar las probabilidades cuando se levantan a las posiciones clave en el juego de biotecnología dominado por los hombres. Por supuesto que estamos viendo a lograr grandes cosas. Pero que merecen reconocimiento. Por lo tanto, estamos muy contentos de traer a nuestros lectores FierceBiotech la tan esperada-y tardía-las mujeres en función de la biotecnología. Hemos tenido una respuesta abrumadora a nuestra convocatoria para las nominaciones de este año, con más de 130 presentaciones y una gran lista impresionante de candidatos. Fieles a nuestra misión de ofrecer a los lectores las noticias más importantes en la biotecnología, muchos de los homenajeados aquí están las mujeres que han llevado a algunos de las grandes historias que cubrimos este año. También quería que la mujeres que aparecen este año representan lo mejor de la industria biotecnológica mundial, y usted encontrará aquí las mujeres que están teniendo un impacto para las organizaciones con sede en Asia, Europa y aquí en los EE.UU. Estas mujeres son fuente de inspiración, no sólo las mujeres, pero (al menos hablando en nombre de los hombres en nuestro equipo) de los hombres involucrados en la industria, también. Nuestros perfiles de los pondrá al día con lo que cada uno de estos motores las mujeres en la biotecnología están trabajando en estos días. Algunos son científicos de reunión en los inicios jóvenes, preparando para la última etapa de importantes ensayos o investigaciones de los principales problemas de salud graves como el VIH. Para cada uno de los homenajeados, hay historias únicas sobre cómo las mujeres han conseguido impresionantes por delante en el campo de la biotecnología competitiva. "Creo que el potencial de interés extra que se obtiene de hablar con algunas de las mujeres en la biotecnología es probablemente hemos sido desafió a pensar un poco más acerca de cómo cultivar nuestras carreras ", dijo Abbie Celniker, presidente ejecutivo de Once Biotherapeutics y una de las mujeres de este año en la biotecnología. "Como resultado, podemos estar un poquito más de auto-reflexión, porque hemos tenido que hacer un montón de corrección de curso para asegurarse de que podíamos competir en los días en que era más predominantemente masculino."
Read more: FierceBiotech's 2011 Women in Biotech - FierceBiotech
Read more: FierceBiotech's 2011 Women in Biotech - FierceBiotech
Female biotech executives have been key players in many of the biggest events in the industry this year--Takeda Pharmaceutical's buyout of Nycomed, the merger of Alkermes ($ALKS) and Elan Drug Technologies and the sale of Plexxikon to Daiichi Sankyo. Should we be surprised? No, women in this industry defy the odds when they rise to key positions in the male-dominated biotech game. Of course we're seeing them accomplish big things. But they deserve recognition.
So, we're excited to bring our readers FierceBiotech's much-awaited-and belated-Women in Biotech feature. We had an overwhelming response to our call for nominations this year, with more than 130 great submissions and an amazing slate of candidates. True to our mission of providing readers the top news in biotech, many of the honorees here are women who drove some of the big stories we covered this year. We also wanted the women featured this year to represent the best of the global biotech industry, and you'll find women here who are making an impact for organizations based in Asia, Europe and here in the U.S.
These women are inspiring, not just to women, but (at least speaking for the males on our team) men involved in the industry, too. Our profiles will bring you up to date with what each of these female movers in biotech are working on these days. Some are rallying scientists at young startups, gearing up for important late-stage trials or leading research of serious health concerns such as HIV. For each of the honorees, there are unique stories about how impressive women have gotten ahead in the competitive biotech field.
"I think that the potential interesting little extra that you get from speaking to some of the women in biotech is we've probably been challenged with thinking a little bit more about how to cultivate our careers," said Abbie Celniker, chief executive of Eleven Biotherapeutics and one of this year's Women in Biotech. "As a result, we can be a tiny bit more self-reflective because we've had to do lots of course correction to make sure we could compete in the days when it was more predominately male."
Read more: FierceBiotech's 2011 Women in Biotech - FierceBiotech
So, we're excited to bring our readers FierceBiotech's much-awaited-and belated-Women in Biotech feature. We had an overwhelming response to our call for nominations this year, with more than 130 great submissions and an amazing slate of candidates. True to our mission of providing readers the top news in biotech, many of the honorees here are women who drove some of the big stories we covered this year. We also wanted the women featured this year to represent the best of the global biotech industry, and you'll find women here who are making an impact for organizations based in Asia, Europe and here in the U.S.
These women are inspiring, not just to women, but (at least speaking for the males on our team) men involved in the industry, too. Our profiles will bring you up to date with what each of these female movers in biotech are working on these days. Some are rallying scientists at young startups, gearing up for important late-stage trials or leading research of serious health concerns such as HIV. For each of the honorees, there are unique stories about how impressive women have gotten ahead in the competitive biotech field.
"I think that the potential interesting little extra that you get from speaking to some of the women in biotech is we've probably been challenged with thinking a little bit more about how to cultivate our careers," said Abbie Celniker, chief executive of Eleven Biotherapeutics and one of this year's Women in Biotech. "As a result, we can be a tiny bit more self-reflective because we've had to do lots of course correction to make sure we could compete in the days when it was more predominately male."
Read more: FierceBiotech's 2011 Women in Biotech - FierceBiotech
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